He-Shi are a premium self tanning solution, there products range from gels, liquids and mousses so they suit everyone’s needs. I love the packaging of He-Shi’s products it looks so luxurious but simple. When I first applied the mousse to my He-Shi tanning mitt I automatically saw it has a guide colour. which in my eyes is a major plus as its practically impossible to streak tan if it has a guide colour because you can see where you have applied it. I also liked the scent of the product, Not only did it have a light floral scent when I was applying the tan, once the tan had developed I had NO sign what so ever of the typical ‘biscuity’ fake tan smell – a huge plus in my books as even Xen-Tan tanning products seem to get the biscuit smell after a while – well done He-Shi! I was a bit wary with how dark this tan would go, as I like using ‘extra dark’ tan’s. This gave me a lovely tanned colour which everyone noticed. It also looked a lot more natural and I received more compliments. The tan managed to last 5 days, it says 7-10 days on the bottle but I felt I needed another layer after 5 days (I do shower twice a day though!)
You can purchase this product from most drugstores or from their website – www.he-shi.co.uk
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